Carnival Cruise Line has been updating departure times for multiple ships over the past few weeks, moving up when different vessels are leaving different homeports for hundreds of future sailings.
Now, Carnival Legend and Carnival Venezia are both added to the list, but in more unique ways that booked guests need to be aware of so there is no confusion about their departure times.
While most of the impacted ships – such as Carnival Celebration from PortMiami – are homeported year-round from the same embarkation port, Carnival Legend has multiple homeports for the next two years. Similarly, Carnival Venezia has two homeports in the adjustment period.
Not all itineraries for both ships are impacted by the 30-minute change, however, and booked guests will want to be aware of which sailings are leaving earlier and which remain on the original schedule.
Carnival Legend Departure Changes
Carnival Legend is currently homeported from Tampa, Florida offering Western Caribbean and Panama Canal sailings through April. Beginning with her March 2, 2025 departure, the ship will leave at 3:30 p.m. instead of 4 p.m.
The only 2025 Tampa departure not impacted by this change (other than her upcoming February departures this month) is the ship’s 14-night Tampa-to-San Francisco repositioning sailing. That April 24 departure will still be setting sail at 4 p.m.
None of Carnival Legend‘s San Francisco departures – whether her 4-night Baja Mexico sailings or her 10-night Alaska cruises – are impacted by any time adjustments for now. Future changes may be forthcoming, however, and booked guests should keep updated on any announcements for their sailings.
After the Alaska season ends, Carnival Legend will reposition to Galveston, Texas. That one-way, 16-night sailing departing San Francisco on October 6 remains as originally planned.
While sailing from Galveston, the ship’s 4-, 5-, and 8-night cruises – the October 22, November 6, November 20, December 4, and December 18 departures – will be sailing at 3:30, but the longer 10-night Panama Canal cruises will still depart at 4 p.m.
In 2026, the same pattern continues with the ship’s shorter sailings departing at the revised, earlier time, but the longer cruises remaining scheduled for the 4 p.m. original departure.
This includes all the following Carnival Legend Galveston departure dates that will now leave at 3:30 p.m.:
- January – 15, 29
- February – 26
- March – 2, 26
- April – 9, 23
At the end of April, Carnival Legend will move to Europe, first to sail from Dover on spectacular British Isles, Island, Northern Europe, and Scandinavia itineraries. The ship will also spend the later part of the European summer season sailing from Civitavecchia/Rome.
From both of her Europe homeports during the summer of 2026, multiple departures are now adjusted to leave 30 minutes earlier than the original schedule.
This includes every departure from Dover as well as all but her final departure from Civitavecchia – all sailings from June 7, 2026 through and including the October 23 departure. From Dover, this means a new departure time of 4:30 p.m. instead of 5 p.m., while from Civitavecchia, the ship will leave at 6:30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m.
After her season in Europe, Carnival Legend is returning to Tampa and will resume offering Western Caribbean, Bahamas, and Panama Canal sailings of different lengths. Beginning on November 16, 2026 and through and including her December 27 departure, all of those sailings will leave at 3:30 p.m. instead of 4 p.m.
Finally, in 2027, all currently published bookings from January 3 through and including March 28 are likewise adjusted 30 minutes earlier, except Carnival Legend‘s 13-night Panama Canal cruise departing Tampa on January 31. That one sailing is still planned to depart at 4 p.m.
In total, 52 upcoming cruises for Carnival Legend – from four different homeports in three different countries on two different continents – are now setting sail earlier.
Carnival Venezia Departure Changes
Carnival Venezia Cruise Ship in New York (Photo Credit: Mariusz Lopusiewicz)
Guests booked on upcoming sailings of the Italian-style Carnival Venezia have also been notified of similar changes, though not quite as confusing as those aboard Carnival Legend. Carnival Venezia alternates sailing seasons between just two homeports – New York and Port Canaveral.
While in New York, the ship’s departure time is unaffected and will remain as originally planned at 4 p.m.
From Port Canaveral, however, Carnival Venezia will move up her departure times by 30 minutes for most of her cruises. This includes all voyages from the March 9, 2025 through and including the May 4 departure. The ship’s May 11 departure on a one-way trip back to New York, however, will still leave at 4 p.m.
Similarly, the ship’s fall season when she returns to Port Canaveral is also adjusted to 3:30 p.m. departures for all sailings including November 20 and November 23 as well as December 14, 21, and 28.
In 2026, the January 4 voyage as well as all sailings from January 25 through and including February 15, March 8 through and including May 10, November 22, and December 13 through and including December 27 will now depart at 3:30 p.m. These are all cruises from Port Canaveral as well.
Read Also: What to Expect When You Go on a Carnival Cruise
The remainder of the changed departure times for Carnival Venezia are in 2027, including the ship’s departures on January 3, 24, and 31, February 7 and 14, and all sailings from March 7 through and including the April 25 departure.
At this time no sailings for the ship are available to book past April 25, 2027.
As with other ships that have had such a significant number of sailings adjusted to an earlier departure time – a total of 46 voyages for Carnival Venezia – none of the longer Carnival Journeys cruises will set sail earlier. Instead, those departures remain at 4 p.m.
Combining all ships that Carnival Cruise Line has so far made these 30-minute-earlier-departure adjustments for, more than 860 sailings have been impacted. Are more to come? It seems likely – all guests booked on upcoming Carnival cruises should be sure to check for email notifications.
I received mine today for Carnival Venezia, and am excited to be setting sail 30 minutes earlier later this year – Guy’s Burgers, here I come!
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