by Rich Thomaselli
on April 17, 2023 Last updated: 8:55 PM ET, Mon April 17, 2023
Professional athletes often take to Twitter after games. This one took to the social media platform and started a national debate.The issue involves the parental oversight of small children on an airplane and the proper etiquette.”The [United] flight attendant just made my 22-week pregnant wife traveling with a 5-year-old and 2-year-old get on her hands and knees to pick up the popcorn mess by my youngest daughter. Are you kidding me?!?!” Anthony Bass, a pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays, tweeted on Sunday.The responses online were surprisingly mixed.”Genuinely curious who should clean up the mess your 2-year-old made? As a parent of three kids, I am the one responsible for them,” tweeted one.Said another: “I have three kids, just flew coach 12 hours, and was able to clean up after them — for every mess. It’s called parenting. Do you expect park janitors to clean up after your pet? No; Your child, your responsibility.”
But others supported Bass and his family. “Ever gone to a movie and drop popcorn on the floor? Do you clean it up or does theatre staff do it when you leave,” wrote one in defense of Bass and his wife.
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